Thursday, October 25, 2007


Happy birthday to my oldest grandson Westley Dylan Twente. He is 15 years old today.

In Missouri 15 year olds can get their learners permit to drive. Shannon is taking West to take the written exam tomorrow.

Then as long as he has an adult over 21 in the car with him, he can learn to drive for a year. Then when he turns 16 he can take his driving test and get a restricted drivers licence until he is 18 years old. The restriction between 16 and 18 is that he can't drive between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am.

So another teenager with a learners permit on the road and streets of St. Charles county.

We are taking over his car tonight. He is inheriting the 1994 Mercury Tempo that Scott was using for a while. Scott got it from Granny B (Susan's mother). Good car for a 15 year old to learn to drive in.


Fibo said...

Nice Blog :)

Anonymous said...

Glad I live in KC!!! Happy Birthday Westley. Hard to believe. Take care! Love to all.