This is what I put up with every time I fly overseas.
Not only the pilots, but the air traffic controllers in foreign counties. Especially the Asian countries. The lady controllers are very sing-songy. We have to listen very hard to what is bring said.
This story really happened to one of the crews at the company I fly with:
First, let me say that one of our FO's was born and raised in Chicago, ILL. Jimmy was born to South Korean parents. Ergo, Jimmy is full blooded South Korean. But, Jimmy speaks English only, no Korean.
Second, this flight he was on was a charter for Asiania Airlines (South Korean company). And they were using the call sign "Asiania 368". We normally would use "Connie 368".
Third, Most Asian carriers hire English speaking born pilots to "help" fly their airplanes (talk on the radios). So most of the time there is an English and a Korean speaking pilot in the cockpit.
Forth, The controllers only know what the call sign is, and that the aircraft is a B747 Heavy. They don't know that it is an American plane and an American/English only speaking flight crew. With an Asiana call sign they are assuming that the crew is an Asiana flight crew. So, our story begins with our crew (Asiana/Connie 368) having trouble communicating with Seoul Approach control. Neither the controllers or the flight crew (all American English speaking) can not understand one another...
Approach: "Asiana 368, could we please talk to the Korean pilot?"
Asiana 368: (FO Jimmy) "Approach, Asiana 368, this is the Korean pilot".